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Yoga for High School Student Athletes
Empowering student athletes with holistic tools and practices, such as yoga, mindfulness, and mental resilience training, to enhance their athletic performance, academic success, and overall well-being.


The overall goal of Zen Athlete Academy is to empower student-athletes with holistic tools and practices, such as yoga, mindfulness, and mental resilience training, to enhance their athletic performance, academic success, and overall well-being.


Through comprehensive programs and resources, Zen Athlete Academy aims to help student-athletes cultivate physical strength, mental focus, emotional balance, and personal growth, enabling them to thrive both on and off the field.

Yoga for High School Student Athletes

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Yoga for High School Student Athletes

Hi, I'm Emma.

Founder of Zen Athlete Academy.

With over 500 hours of certified training and 1,000 hours of teaching experience, I'm dedicated to bringing the benefits of yoga to athletes. Having played volleyball and run track in high school,

I understand the importance of holistic training.

Within the past few years, I’ve been working with athletes of all ages, sports, and skill levels. I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of incorporating yoga into athletes training regimens. I love working with teams and athletes in person, but to reach more people and provide 24/7 access and resources, I founded Zen Athlete Academy.


This online course will take athletes through five weeks of yoga-based drills, classes, and stretches, along with mindfulness and breathing exercises, and information on regulating stress, setting goals, and establishing healthy habits that can last until adulthood.

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Yoga for High School Student Athletes
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